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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Tall Drums

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Tall drums are 235/250 Liter capacity drums, which can be manufactured as Tight head drums or Open head drums. These drums are used when you wish to get more advantage from the conventional MS drum.
We offer Tall drums right from 0.80mm thickness to 1.25mm thickness. They are also available on combination of various steel thickness.
We can provide drums with UN Certification of any category.
  • Drums are manufactured from the highest quality CRCA steel at the most modern plants.
  • Drums are subjected to Helium Leak Detection to ensure they are100% leak proof.
  • The additional height allows to fill more product and gain a cost advantage as well as logistical convenience.
  • Special high quality paints are used for a good quality finish for the drums. High quality customized screen printing is also available to create customer branding.
  • Triple seam in the drums give extra strength.
  • Provision of W-bead and corrugation allows enhanced stackability
  • Drums meet Indian and international shipping specifications
  • Internally cleaned drums for chemical companies and other segments.
  • Balmer Lawrie procures all the raw materials including steel, seaming compounds, closure and paint from reputed suppliers.
  • Provision of UN Certification for hazardous products.
  • Gaskets are offered depending on product compatibility.
  • Provision of tag-rings and cap-seals allows increased pilfer-proofness.
  • Drums are wrapped with corrugated paper/stretch wrap/bubble wrap to avoid transit damage.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Composite Drums, Composite Repair Services, Conical Drums, Galvanized Drums, Greases, Lacquered Drums, Lagoon Sludge Processing, Leather Chemicals, Lubricants, Metal Drums, Open Head Plain Drums, Products, Reconditioned Barrels, Tall Drums, Tank Bottom Sludge Processing, Tight Head Plain Drums